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110 East 57th Street
New York, NY, 10022
United States


A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.


Eek - Do You Have Closet Paralysis?

Diane Pollack

Yes, closet paralysis is a common problem for many women. There are so many factors to take into account. Some women may be paralyzed by one of these factors and for others it is many factors combined, or different ones on a given day.

The 3 main factors when getting dressed in the morning to consider are:

  • Where are you going that day?

  • What is the weather like? 

  • What kind of mood are you in?  

One big issue for many women is the closet overwhelm; they have too many items that are not organized well and perhaps no signature style. For this, I recommend a closet purge.

1) Get rid of everything you don't love, doesn't fit well, or is damaged. Only keep items that you feel great about wearing.

2) Make sure that only seasonally appropriate items are front & center. Try to stash out-of-season items as far out of sight as possible, as they only add to the confusion.

3) Then organize all the items by category, so that all your jackets are together, all your blouses are together, etc. and you can actually see what you have.

I also recommend having a few go-to pieces, preferably outfits. So when you're feeling a certain way (say bloated), you put on your favorite (fill-in item) that you know is super flattering. Have a date or business appointment? No problem. define a go-to outfit that is a flattering color and fit. Then you have one less thing to worry about.

Here are some other strategies that are recommended to women to help cure closet paralysis.  Each woman should take note which, if any, of these methods work for her. It will not only help you put together outfits more easily, but will also help with your shopping choices. 

1) The uniform - you wear standard shapes in varying colors or patterns

2) The capsule collection - small wardrobe of pieces that mix & match together

3) The set outfits that are only worn together- this one does not allow a lot of mileage per piece

4) Basics with a fabulous accessory to update and diversify the same outfit

These are recommended for women that are happy to have a small wardrobe and don't get bored with their clothing

For the woman with the larger more varied wardrobe, this becomes a little more difficult. The closet purge and great organization are essential here. This wardrobe not only needs to have go-to pieces but also go-to outfits. If you don't have a signature style you need to make sure that the mood of the outfits go together. This includes shoes, jewelry, and other accessories. (This is a whole other article that I will share with you at a later date).

Need some help purging your closet, accessorizing properly, and more? You know, that is what we do best! 

 Let STYLEMPOWER help you.

Need some more personalized help with your wardrobe?
Contact Diane:   646 831 2584