Inspiration & Conversation
Diane Pollack
Sad to say, the holiday lights and parties are over and we still have a long drag of winter weather to weather. Well, the good news is that there are still plenty of items on sale, that you can buy and wear now and infuse a little newness into your wardrobe.
However, you may feel like shopping is an overwhelming process, especially when it means rummaging through sale racks. Whether it be in a store or online, you just don't know where to start.
Now for me, this is all fun and games and I had a good time pulling some styled outfits out of the endless options of online shopping. And as you can see, the two outfits are for two people with very different styles.
So as I went online "shopping", I thought about two very different type of ladies: one who is classic and one who is trendy. As a wardrobe consultant - I must understand who my customer is and what she wants to wear. Now understand that these are just two options. You may love one, both or neither for yourself and I can help style you no matter what your personal style is.
OUTFIT 1 - Can even be worn without the vest in the in-between seasons. Pull out a pop of the color, but don't go overboard.
OUTFIT 2 - The high neckline calls for a necklace or other accessory to break up the expance of fabric. In this case I was able to find a necklace that picked up the colors in the sweater and skirt.
Our same two ladies are going to need some casual outfits for the weekend!
OUTFIT 1 - As trendy as it is... you may envision this outfit on a twenty-something, even if you are substantially older, there is nothing inappropriate about it (hello me - looking in the mirror).
OUTFIT 2 - What I love about this outfit, is that even though there are some very classic items - turtleneck sweater, aviators etc., It is a very updated look but still in the comfort zone for the classic girl.
Which style is your style? Or was it neither? Reply to me and let me know what your personal style is.
EVEN BETTER - the first 3 people to reply, will get their very own outfit board styled for them. READY, SET, Go.............
In addition to curating fun outfits online, I was also privileged to be a guest on Brooklyn Savvy TV. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and listen to this half-hour episode.
Oh, and before you do, I am going to be the first to call out that even stylists have wardrobe mishaps. I was mortified that the armhole of my dress was riding up during the whole interview. OOPs!
Click on the picture below to start the episode.