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110 East 57th Street
New York, NY, 10022
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A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.


Buzzz Buzzz - Ethical & Sustainable Fashion

Diane Pollack

In this day-in-age, fashion is fast!

We all have the opportunity to see the fashion shows on the internet and there is a want-it-now mentality.

In many ways, this is great, because you CAN have it now, yet in other ways, we are creating excess waste when we are ever more aware of the environmental impact and ethical production aspects. 

How can you be trendy (or at least current) and not be wasteful?

I spoke with Jeanine Polizzi, an ethical fashion and sustainability expert, to find out exactly what this all means. "It technically means a fashion brand looks at how it operates ethically, socially and environmentally and the impact it is having. In order to create accountability, we are seeing more and more fashion brands becoming transparent to the consumer in the way that they do business" says Polizzi.

One of  Polizzi's favorite (and a favorite of many others) is Everlane   She loves their radical transparency.  "They tell you about the ethical factories where the products are made and how the garments are priced – from raw materials to transportation.  In addition, they have created a 100% Human collection to ensure rights are not only protected but equal by giving money to both the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Equality Now."

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A study from Cone Communications (2017). CSR Report states that 9 out of 10 people are willing to switch to a brand of equal price and quality to support a social issue.

Polizzi finishes by saying "I love that brands are shifting their focus to what is good for both people and the planet.  I also love that we as consumers get to vote our social conscience with our purchases!"

Are you one of the 9 out of 10 that would switch brands for sustainability and transparency? What are your favorite fashion brands? Post your comment below and let me know.

Wow, what a big topic to be covering in my short insider news. I have so many brands, business and platforms to tell you about. Stay tuned for part two.................