Let Me Help You With Your Spring Wardrobe
Diane Pollack
We are in the homestretch of this cold weather. Soon we will be starting to wear our Spring clothes, YAY!
The magazines and stores have already started in with Spring fashions. (My Spring trend report to come as soon as we all get a little bit of that Spring Fever in the air).
So here I am prepping for how I can help you with your Spring wardrobe. I have a few questions. I will not make you click on a survey link to open them. I want you to see how super quick this survey is.
And by answering these questions you will be helping YOU and helping ME :)
I will answer you directly and/ or your questions may be the topic of an future insider news.
BONUS - For everyone who replies, you will also get a FREE
Your Best Look Express.
1) When I open my closet, I think _____________.
2) What type of event/activity (everyday or special occasion) gives you the hardest time to get dressed for?
3) What is your biggest wardrobe issue?
4) If you had the opportunity to ask a stylist one question, what would it be?
That is it.
Not so bad, right?
Did I miss anything? Feel free to write me back with another question that didn't fit into my survey.
I am looking forward to helping you to feel empowered in your Spring wardrobe.
But you don't have to wait till Spring. Need help now? Contact me :)