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A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.


Don’t make these 7 fashion faux pas this summer

Diane Pollack

There are plenty of fashion faux pas people make all year long, but some are directly related or more visible in summer clothing. So I thought now would be a good time for you to be aware of them and make any corrections as needed.

Let's start with foundation pieces.

1) Many bras now, no matter what your size, have molded cups included. When you are wearing a tight tee-shirt and you can clearly see the outline of the entire molded cup, chances are your bra is too big, causing the cups to stand away from your body.

Sometimes you will be able to see the edge of your bra cutting across your boob. In this case, the cup size is probably too small and your boobs are overflowing the cup.

Also, in the bra-world, make sure that you have a smooth bra on for these clingy tee shirts. Lacy bras will cause bumps and not lay smoothly.

Now let's talk about bra straps.

2) I am not being prim and proper here when I say that I can not stand bra straps hanging out. A slight peek on a top that doesn't always cover entirely, is no big deal. What really bothers me is when someone is wearing a designed top, such as a racerback, with a regular bra.

Please get with the program here. The racerback is a design detail that is marred by additional straps. Racerback bras are just as easy to wear as regular bras and everyone should have at least one in their wardrobe if they are going to wear a top that calls for it.

Similarly, if you have a halter top, make sure that you have a bra that adjusts to this style.  Ditto for any other styles that may call for bras to be adjusted to hide the straps.

Also notice the color of your bra. No dark bras under light tops. Best to match close to the color or go with a nude bra.

Now I am jumping to another pet peeve of mine. Shoes.

3) Ladies, why is it that I see so many of you with shoes that are clearly too big on you? I don't know how you walk in them without your feet slipping out. I don't know what you do in the winter with your boots because I can't see it. But when you have a shoe, like a pump, where your heel is clearly not touching the back of the shoe and you can almost fit your finger in there, it is clearly too big. Yes, you look like the little girl below in her mom's shoes.

Image from InStyle magazine

Image from InStyle magazine

To continue with shoes.

4) Sometimes I see women in light flirty sundresses with more serious closed-toe shoes and frankly, it looks weird. Light flowy summer dresses are best with sandals or some kind of open shoes.

Your career summer dresses, you will continue to wear with more corporate and possibly closed shoes, but keep your casual summery dresses light and fun. This will also apply to summery cocktail dresses. No pumps please.

Now I know you know this, but I will just put it out there as a “don't”.

5) Should you choose to wear leggings, please wear a top that covers your crotch.

Circling back to the strap concept... well kind of.
6) Just as bra straps can interfere with the clean lines and design of a garment so can adding jewelry. Although not a true fashion "rule", another pet peeve of mine is when I see women wearing one-shouldered tops/dresses with a necklace. Please let this clean line speak for itself and don's distract the eye. Opt for earrings instead.

The same can be said for necklaces that interfere with other designed necklines like halters or keyholes and also with other design details such as ruffles or buttons that the necklace might compete with.

And last but definitely not least. 

7) The number one fashion rule, any time of the year, not to break is to be AUTHENTIC. There is nothing worse than someone looking or feeling like they don't belong. Remember your clothing is meant to empower you, not deflate you.

Still confused about if what you are wearing works? Reach out to me, I can help.