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110 East 57th Street
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A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.


Food & Fashion - a comparison

Diane Pollack

Whenever I go to a restaurant with a certain friend, she barely looks at the menu. When the waiter comes around, she asks them what their favorite dish is. I always find it interesting as the waiter does not know the first thing about her and her tastes.

For me, if the waiter recommends a fish dish, it is not an option as I don't eat fish. And if the waiter loves the Thanksgiving special, that is too bland for my palate.

I am happy the waiter likes these items, as we all have our own tastes, but why would I ask someone I don't know, who doesn't know me for a recommendation?

On the other hand, when I can't decide between two items on the menu and the waiter’s descriptions still leave me undecided, then I will ask the waiter which they recommend between the two. Either way, it is based on two things that appeal to me, so I probably can't go wrong.

As you can see, I like comparing food to fashion: two things that I love and have strong personal tastes in. You may recall my article The Foodie Guide to Style but I am digressing.

Back to my point. This brings up a related pet peeve, that often comes up this time of year.


Well as you know, it is after labor day, fall fashions are in the stores and the September issues of the fashion magazines are out with all the trends. So far, despite that the summer is over, I love all this and love the change of seasons.

So what is the pet peeve and what does it have to do with food?

Well, all the magazine articles are not merely giving you a list of trends, but they are telling you (who they don't know the first thing about), that these are items that you must have.

Really? I find that ludicrous!

How can fashion magazines, make a blanket statement that we all have the same needs and tastes?

I love fashion and I love trends but I often look at the top 10 "must-have" trends and say "no-way," "don't like" and/or "not my style."

So bask in your personal tastes, choose what works for you and know that if you need a "waiter" who you would like to discuss all your likes and dislikes with, then I am happy to make some educated and personal recommendations from the menu.

Just reach out. Stylempower is always Style For Your Lifestyle!