Your Fall Cheat Sheet —

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A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.


Your Fall Cheat Sheet

Diane Pollack

It’s officially Fall. Although as we know the weather will flip flop for a while. I wanted to get you on track for your fall shopping and let you know what the trends are for the season. If you’ve been reading the insider news for a while, you will know that I have coined (and should trademark) that “TRENDS ARE SUGGESTIONS AND NOT MANDATES”.

There is so much newness, I can’t even cover everything. The good news is that leaves lots of options. You and I are not going to love everything out there, so pick and choose what works for you.

Also, know that most trends don’t go in and out in a year, there are many trends that have legs and carry through seasons. So, you can pull out that Fall wardrobe and still be excited to wear many of the things that you already have.

But sometimes we want a little newness to get excited about the season and to freshen up what we own. Sometimes we have some holes in our wardrobe, so here is the opportunity to fill in these pieces.  Here we go…

1)     DENIM - many people’s wardrobe staples. I know your first question is “can I wear my skinnies”? And the answer is “YES” they look great with oversized /voluminous tops and tucked into those high boots (that I haven’t mentioned yet). And for an updated look, try denim straight, cropped flares, long wide and puddling at the hem, trousers and oversized. And a lower rise is back as an option. (Me “yes please”).

 2)     TAILORING. (Pretty self-explanatory)

3)     What will your PANTS look like? In addition to the rise and the puddle, which we already mentioned, slouchy in general is a look for both tailored and more casual like cargo pants. Super wide, a longer Coulotte and skater styles are also making an appearance.

4)     And what about those JACKETS and COATS? Well, your blazer may be getting a bit bigger and so many of your jackets which were shrunken in the past are now becoming oversized. Think denim, bomber, and motorcycle. Other coats and jackets include Dusters, quilted Puffers, faux Fur, Pea coats and leather Trenches, and heavy industrial-type leathers. On the flip side, a cropped blazer is also happening.

5)     Many styles are resurfacing from Y2K. They include minis, sequins, and crop tops. If you have worn them before and they are not your thing now, simply say “pass”. And let your kids have fun with them.

6)     Three key standout items worth mentioning. The CORSET, which can sound a bit sexy and lingerie-like, but there are many great styles that are inspired by it in tee-shirts and sweaters. A strapless style also looks cute layered over a tee or a great white collared shirt. The SLIP DRESS is everywhere. And the WHITE TANK. Both can be layered in Fall and worn on their own in the warm weather.

7)     We have seen it for a few seasons and celebrating the body is still a big thing. This is anywhere from BODYCON dressing to CUTOUTS. And the cutouts do not have to be overtly sexy, Afterall, everyone has good shoulders.

8)     COLOR wise, you can always go with the traditional Fall colors, but I love that they have added brights to the season. #Barbicore or Valentino hot Pink is a key bright.

9)     So much fun stuff going on with SHOES and BOOTS. The number one recommendation I would say is the tall boot. The bare leg thing with skirts and dresses is hard when it gets cold. These will keep you warm and you won’t have to worry about pale legs. For those who like comfort, the ballet flat is back. And if you are more edgy try a Motocycle boot. Platforms are appearing on everything. And although you are wearing a heel, they can be quite comfortable as you can subtract the front platform height from the back, making the heel appear taller with a less of an incline. Other styles include clogs, loafers, Western style boots and architectural heels.

10)      For BAGS you have the Crescent, Hobo, oversized, fuzzy and the classic styles with chain straps. The Baguette is celebrating its’s 25th anniversary.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Do you need help in your closet or shopping? Contact me to empower you in your fall fashion.