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110 East 57th Street
New York, NY, 10022
United States


A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.


The Top 4 Reasons Your Closet Is A Mess

Diane Pollack

What are the top reasons your closets are a mess?

1) You just don't make the time to go through them.
2) You have sentimental value attached to items. 
3) You spent a lot of money on clothes & feel bad getting rid of them.
4) You no longer fit into them and hope to one day.

What is your reason?

Imagine if you opened your closet, to only see clothing that you loved, fit you, was seasonal, and appropriate to wear to your everyday activities. What would happen then?

When you open your closet, you would actually have something to wear!

The charity perspective and the environmental impact are two important things to help switch your mindset.

Any career-appropriate attire can be donated to charities such as  Bottomless Closet  or Dress for Success.  If you are no longer wearing these items, you should feel good to donate to someone who can truly use and appreciate them and may not be able to afford otherwise.

For personal gain, clothing can be donated for a tax deduction, sold online, or placed under consignment.

If clothing is no longer wearable; it is stained, ripped, piling, or otherwise, you can help the environment by donating it to a place that will recycle it. Uniqlo and H&M have drop-off stations at their stores that will do this. 

So what are you waiting for?

Click on the picture to watch the video and see what my satisfied client Joan had to say after I helped her get rid of a lot of unnecessary clutter.

need some more personalized help with your wardrobe?

Contact Diane:   646 831 2584

want to chat about it?