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110 East 57th Street
New York, NY, 10022
United States


A Wardrobe Consulting, Styling and Personal Shopping service catering to women in  the New York City area. We are the fashion solution, to save you time and empower you to feel confident in your style. We specialize in petites.

How to Create Your Best Spring Closet


How to Create Your Best Spring Closet

Diane Pollack

Want to know how to create your best spring closet?

Once again, I am the featured speaker of the month on a program called “Coffee Break With Sabra”, which hosts monthly interviews with various professionals on its website platform.  So check it out! 

During my interview on How to Create Your Best Spring Closet, you will learn:

  • When, how and where to remove items from your closets
  • What are the new trends for spring
  • How to know when a trend is over
  • Best tips to physically organize your closet

I’m excited to be a part of the Coffee Break with Sabra community and amongt the other fabulous guests who have appeared on the program.  I invite you to listen to my interview here and don’t worry, even if you cannot listen now, just visit the site any time, I am the featured guest till the 3rd week of the month and then you can find the interview in the achieves.
You can get access to my interview here

(The interview is about 20 minutes long)

Need some help cleaning out your closet? You know, that is what we do best! 

 Let STYLEMPOWER help you.

Need some more personalized help with your wardrobe?
Contact Diane:   646 831 2584