Spring Trends 2024 —

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Spring Trends 2024

Diane Pollack

Happy Spring my Stylempower Insider!
Even if there is still a chill in the air, it is time for Spring shopping.

If you are new here welcome! My OG readers know that every Spring and Fall when I send out the season’s trend list, I always present it with my coined caveat: “Trends are suggestions and not mandates.” I want to make my readers feel in the know, to make the best choices for themselves.

Every season there are a ton of trends to hear about, however, I don’t think there was ever a season where one trend stood out way above the others. So let’s start from the bottom – Shoes.

The trend that is all over, in every shape and form is the MARY JANE. Some reminiscent of our little girl party shoe days and some with a heel. Some with color, bling, trim, and even in mesh.

A few seasons ago the BALLET FLAT came back and it is still going strong. Many of the styles of the Mary Jane are ballet flats plus a strap. So there are plenty of options to choose from and very wearable styles for all.

April showers are coming our way and when you think of Spring, you think of rain or trench coats. What looks new this season is the CROPPED TRENCH.

Another classic is the STRIPE. Even though we have seen it for years, it somehow looks fresh for Spring. Some are true classics, especially in Navy and White, and some are playing around with stripes directions for a fun update.

Everything mentioned so far is pretty classic. And going along with the classics is PREPPY School style. Think cardigans, vests, school jackets, and plaid.

The WIDE LEG, STRAIGHT LEG, FLARE, KICK FLARE, and CARGOS are all still strong silhouettes for Spring. But what is the surprising newness in pant shapes? 

It will probably be gradual, but you will start seeing CAPRI pants and BERMUDA SHORTS styles back in the mix. Even if you are not ready for them (yet), these are very wearable and flattering styles.

And the newest and trendiest of the shapes is the BARREL LEG. This style has a lot of volume and may not be the most flattering on many.

Remember those DENIM MIDI and MAXI SKIRTS we talked about? Those too are continuing. They are a nice alternative to jeans you can wear throughout all seasons.

And my favorite addiction, I mean trend, is SILVER. We have seen a lot of silver leather, puffers, etc. As we transition into Spring, Silver denim is such a fun look in pants, jackets, skirts, and dresses. I might own them all, but more on that another time.

Other trends that continue: SHAPED WAIST JACKETS with shoulder pads, SHEERS, COLUMN and FULL SKIRTS, CORSETRY, and SLIP DRESSES.

So ready, set Shop!

And remember, I am always here to help.